Kristóf [J. C.] Nyíri

   Complete list of publications
   Leibniz Professorship 2006/07
   Mobile communications research
   Invited presentations

INTERVIEWS (in Hungarian):

2005, IPM   2009, 168 óra   2011, Magyar Nemzet   2011, Magyar Demokrata   2013, Figyelő   2018, 168 óra   2019, 168 óra

Philosophical autobiography 
& a guide to my publications

Selected Facebook entries

(in Hungarian)
For an extended discussion of issues 
I have in my earlier years  
been interested in see the  
Festschrift Essays on Wittgenstein 
and Austrian Philosophy: 
In Honour of J. C. Nyíri
ed. by Tamás Demeter, 
Amsterdam: Rodopi 2004.

 Works online (Last updated January 17, 2025):

"A demokráciák összeomlása és új arisztokrácia szükségessége" (2025)
"The Collapse of Democracies and the Need for a New Aristocracy" (2024)
"Primordial Images" (2023)
"Back to the Past: Notes towards a Conservative Revolution" (2023)
"Elfelejtett képelméletek - bővített változat" (2021)
"Back to the Roots – Conservatism Revindicated" (full version with notes, 2020)
"Back to the Roots – Conservatism Revindicated" (without notes, 2020)
"The Merits of Self-Publishing" (2020)
"A képtelen Jung" (2020)
"A Note on C. G. Jung, Heidegger, and 'The Age of the World Picture'" (2020)
"Forever Jung" (2020)
"Prologue" and "Epilogue" to the volume Image and Metaphor in the New Century (2019)
"Postscript" to the volume Vision Fulfilled: The Victory of the Pictorial Turn (2019)
"A Hundred Years On: Dewey’s Democracy and Education Revisited" (2019)
Visual Meaning (2019)
"Is There an Objective External World, and Is It Knowable?" (2017)
Pictorial Truth: Essays on Wittgenstein, Realism, and Conservatism (2017)
"Pictorial Truth" (2019)
"Wittgenstein as a Common-Sense Realist" (2017)
"Conservatism and Common-Sense Realism" (2016)
"Arcjáték és gesztus: Konzervatív nyelvfilozófiai kísérlet" (2016)
"Towards a Theory of Common-Sense Realism" (2015)
"Wittgenstein and Common-Sense Philosophy" (2015)
"Image and Time in the Theory of Gestures" (2014)
Meaning and Motoricity (2014)
"Visualization and the Horizons of Scientific Realism" (2014)
"Konzervatizmus hagyományok nélkül" ("Conservatism without Traditions", 2014)
"Images in Conservative Education" (2013)
"Bilder der Zeit: Statik und Motorik" (2012,, issue 288)
"A konzervatív időnézet" / "Die konservative Zeitanschauung" (2011)
"Time As a Figure of Thought and As Reality" (2010)
"Image and Metaphor in the Philosophy of Wittgenstein" (2010)
"Images in Natural Theology" / "Képek a természetes teológiában" (2010)
"Die Verräumlichung der Zeit" (2009)
"The Moving Image on a Mobile Device" (2009)
"Gombrich on Image and Time" (2009)
"Metaforák és az idő valóságossága" (2008)
"Hundred Years After: How McTaggart Became a Thing of the Past" (2008)
"Film, Metaphor, and the Reality of Time" (2008)
"Visualization and the Limits of Scientific Realism" (2008)
"Szubjektív idő" (2008)
"Idő és kommunikáció" (2007) / "Time and Communication" (2005)
"Time and the Mobile Order" / "Idő és mobilrend" (2007)
"Wörter und Bilder" / Presentation / Szavak és képek" (2006)
"Der Mobilgefährte im Breitbandstrom" / "Mobiltárs a szélessáv sodrában" (2006)
"Philosophy Today – An Interview" (2005 – in Hungarian)
"The Networked Mind" (2005)
"Kritik des reinen Bildes. Anschauung, Begriff, Schema" (2004)
Vernetztes Wissen: Philosophie im Zeitalter des Internets (2004)
"Enzyklopädisches Wissen im 21. Jahrhundert" (2003)
"Towards a Knowledge Society" (2003)
"Netzwerk und Erkenntnismacht" (2003)
"From Texts to Pictures: The New Unity of Science" (2003)
"Pictorial Meaning and Mobile Communication" (2003)
"Az MMS képfilozófiájához" (2002)
"Towards a Philosophy of M-Learning" (2002)
"Bildbedeutung und mobile Kommunikation" (2002)
"Hagyomány és képi gondolkodás" (2002)
"Képek mint eszközök Wittgenstein filozófiájában" (2002)
"Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Pictures" (2001)
"Bilder als Wissensvermittler in der Informationsgesellschaft" (2001)
"A gondolkodás képelmélete" (2000)
"The Picture Theory of Reason" (2000)
"Szavak, képek, tudásegész" (2000)
"Nyitott tudomány, nyitott oktatás: Internet és interdiszciplinaritás" (2000)
"Információs társadalom és nyitott mûvelõdés" (2000)
"Konservativ sein im Zeitalter des Internets" (1999)
"A virtuális egyetem filozófiájához" (1999)
"Információs társadalom és nemzeti kultúra" (1999)
 Review of Castells, The Information Age
            - "Castells: The Information Age - Könyvismertetés" (1999)
"The Idea of a Virtual University: Religious Studies on the Net" (1999)
"Multimédia és új bölcsészettudomány" (1999)
"A virtuális egyetem felé"(1999)
"From Palágyi to Wittgenstein: Austro-Hungarian Philosophies
      of Language and Communication" (1999)
"Globale Gesellschaft und lokale Kultur im Zeitalter der Vernetzung" (1998)
"Globális társadalom és lokális kultúra a hálózottság korában" (1998)
"Global Education and Local Communities" (1998)
"Post-Literacy as a Source of Twentieth-Century Philosophy" (1998)
"The Concept of Knowledge in the Context of Electronic Networking" (1997)
"Wittgenstein as a Philosopher of Secondary Orality" (1996)
"Palágyis Kritik an der Gegenstandstheorie" (1996)
The Humanities in the Age of Post-Literacy (1996)
"Hálózat és tudásegész" (1994)
"Notes towards a Theory of Traditions" (1994)
"Thinking with a Word Processor" / "Szövegszerkesztővel gondolkozva" (1993)
"Hajnal István idõszerûsége"
"Hagyomány és szóbeliség"
"Historical Consciousness in the Computer Age" (1991)
"Wittgenstein and the Problem of Machine Consciousness" (1989)
"Some Marxian Themes in the Age of Information" (1989)
"The Pitfalls of Left-Wing Epistemology" / "A baloldali ismeretelmélet csapdái" (1985)
Georg Lukács, Dostojewski: Notizen und Entwürfe (1985 – edited by Kristóf Nyíri)
"Ludwig Wittgenstein as a Conservative Philosopher" (1984)
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1983)
"Wittgensteins Spätwerk im Kontext des Konservatismus" (1979) /
       / "Wittgenstein's Later Work in Relation to Conservatism" (1982)
       / "Wittgenstein's Later Work in Relation to Conservatism" with notes rectified (1982)
"Wittgenstein 1929–31: Conservatism and Jewishness" (1982/1992)
"Szabadpiac és tekintélyelvû társadalom: Angolszász liberális-konzervatív elméletek" (1981)
"Filozófia és öngyilkosság-statisztika Ausztria-Magyarországon" (1977)
"Musil és Wittgenstein" (1976)
"Wittgenstein's_New_Traditionalism" (1976)
A filozófia rövid története: A Védáktól Wittgensteinig (1974 – társszerző Lendvai L. Ferenc)
"Nemlétezők csillagfényénél I–II" (1972)
"No Place for Semantics" (1971)
"Szemantika nélkül" (1970)
"Kant and the New Way of Words" (1970) / "Kant és a XX. század materializmusa" (1969)

Philosophical autobiography & a guide to my publications

In philosophy, my story begins with Wilfrid Sellars and with Wittgenstein. It was from Wittgenstein I was led, in the 1970s, to Austrian intellectual history; working on this latter topic I was confronted by the problems of conservatism and traditionalism; and being confronted by them, I started to study, in the 1980s, the philosophical question of tradition as a cognitive issue and as an issue in social philosophy. It was in the course of this study that I hit, happily, upon the orality/literacy/post-typography topic, discovering the books of Eric Havelock and Walter J. Ong.

The orality/literacy approach provided the perspective from which I for some years viewed the philosophy of the later Wittgenstein – see my papers "Heidegger and Wittgenstein" (1989), "Thinking with a Word Processor" (1993), "Wittgenstein as a Philosopher of Post-Literacy" (1995), and "Wittgenstein as a Philosopher of Secondary Orality" (1996). My outlook was summed up in my paper "The Humanities in the Age of Post-Literacy" (1996 – a paper complementing, and in part superseding, my "Electronic Networking and the Unity of Knowledge", 1994), as well as in my talk "Post-Literacy as a Source of Twentieth-Century Philosophy" (1998). Subsequently however I had to realize that it is not possible to provide a correct interpretation of the philosophy of Wittgenstein if his views on the essential role of pictorial representation are not taken into consideration - see my paper "Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Pictures" (2001).

I have been active in the work leading up to the Monist Interactive Issue (July 1997), coordinating a discussion under the title "The Concept of Knowledge in the Context of Electronic Networking". Here I conclude by saying: "At the time I wrote my paper 'Electronic Networking and the Unity of Knowledge' ... I thought the task of philosophy was unmodified - even though the phenomena to be analyzed have become so very different. Today I believe that the task itself is an entirely new one." The task is new, since philosophy, hitherto concerned with pure texts, now necessarily becomes involved in the analysis of multimedia documents. On this topic, see also the talk I gave at the 2000 Kirchberg Wittgenstein symposium: "The Picture Theory of Reason". – Through my interest in the technology of communications I became caught up, in 2001, in a research project on mobile telephony, a scholarly speaking extremely rewarding project. The co-ordination of human activities through mobile re-scheduling rather than through the observation of an absolute public time framework creates a new experience of time: for me, this experience led to an enthusiastic interest in the philosophy of time. I came to realize that the philosophy of time and the philosophy of images are in fact overlapping domains of inquiry. Only moving images – images happening in time – are full-fledged images; and it is impossible to conceptualize time without having recourse to metaphors – images – of spatial movement. My book Zeit und Bild: Philosophische Studien zur Wirklichkeit des Werdens was published in 2012, the volume Meaning and Motoricity: Essays on Image and Time appeared in June 2014. A central chapter of the latter is the essay "Images in Conservative Education". And fate has so organized it that these days I am forced to return to the topic of my early years, the theory of conservatism. Conservatism I until very recently regarded as basically a common-sense stance; hence working on the theory of conservatism I saw as involving, also, working on the philosophy of common sense – while working on the philosophy of common sense clearly involved, for me at least, trying to get to grips, once more, with Wittgenstein, see my "Conservatism and Common-Sense Realism", and my online book Pictorial Truth: Essays on Wittgenstein, Realism, and Conservatism. The COVID-19 pandemic however completely changed my outlook. Common sense unaided by critical reflection will not recognize that mankind has many decades ago chosen the wrong turn; that we have to embark on a road back (see my "Back to the Roots – Conservatism Revindicated" and "Conservatism in a Changed World"). A conservative revolution is called for, a revolution Wittgenstein was too conservative to contemplate. The road back needs an approach much more radical than Wittgenstein's was. That radical approach has to be outlined by a new intellectual aristocracy. It is the philosophical concept of a new aristocracy I am working on now. --- Last updated January 17, 2025